Useful Console Commands

Command (with default value setting)Description
/sv_pure 1 Sets the server so you can play your custom maps if there not in a .pk3 file (only needed in mp mode)1 means ON and 0 means off
/devmap <mymapname>Loads up your map, you can use cheats too in this mode, use in multiplayer
/spdevmap <mymapname>Use to load your single player maps, if you miss out the "sp" the level wont have any sound!, so always use spdevmap
/spmap <mymapname>Same as above but no cheats on as it doesnt have the dev part in the command
/sv_cheats 0Enable cheats, 1 means ON and 0 means off
/godFor use in single player to test out if you have enemies in, you are invincible with this on, needs sv_cheats 1 to use
/noclipYou can fly about through everything in the map, needs sv_cheats 1 to use
/modellistLists all the model names and there paths in the console
/skinlistLists all the skin names and there paths in the console
/shaderlistLists all the shader names and there paths in the console
/imagelistLists all the images from the hud, sprites, etc and there paths in the console
/vid_restartReloads your graphical display
/demo mydemoUse demo then the name of your demo to play it
/record mydemoType record, then the name you want for a demo and it will begin recording the demo until you stop it
/stoprecordStops the recording of any demos
/systeminfoDisplays your system info, including what .paks you, whether or not server is on pure etc.
/cg_fov 90Default is 90, set it above and the screen perspective is narrowed, like the alien on alien vs predator
/cg_drawcompass 1Setting to 0 turns off the compass, 1 turns it on
/cg_draw2d 1This is most useful for taking screenshots, takes everything off screen including the compass, (1 means ON and 0 means off) all your left with is the gun, which you can turn off by going into the menu and find the option for weapon display /draw gun and turn it off.
/cg_drawfps 0Displays the fps on screen in top right corner, 1 means ON and 0 means off
/r_showtris 0wireframe style 1 means ON and 0 means off
/cg_thirdperson 0Excellent for judging the scale of your map, shows the model your controlling ala tomb raider
Note: You need /sv_cheats 1 for this to work or be in dev mode
/developer 0Displays all sorts of game and map information, some useful, most not 1 means ON and 0 means off
/viewposGives out your co-ordinates of where you are in the map (I think:)
/cmdlistLists all the commands in console, use page up and page down to move up and down
/r_speeds 0Displays current r_speeds (column before tris) 1 means ON and 0 means off
/bind KEY "toggle r_showtris"Replace KEY with your ke choice, toggles on and off, shows triangles being drawn by the engine. Note you can apply the toggle command to other commands.